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10 Bizarre Millionaire Businesses

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Quick Links10. Ashleymadison.com: The Online Affair Dating Site 9. Pet Butler: The Pet Waste Removal Services 8. Super Jam: The Jam-selling Business 7. Doggles: Sunglasses for Dogs 6. LuckyBreak: Synthetic Wishbones 5. Wuvit: The Microwavable Pillow 4. The Million Dollar Homepage: Internet Pixels for Millions 3. Excused Absence Network: Online Excuse Note Service 2. LaserMonks: Printer Cartridges Sold by Monks 1. Whateverlife. Read More...

10 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Laid

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Quick LinksYou're Not Trying Enough You're Trying Too Hard You've Set Your Standards Too High You're Not Picky Enough Your Roommates or Pet You Don't Go to the Right Places to Meet People You Don't Stop Talking Once You've Sealed the Deal Your Place Is a Dump You Don't Take Care of Yourself You're Not Confident One of the most basic and primitive functions as a living being, everyone, from the little birds in the trees to your neighbors down the street, has sex. Read More...

15 Girly Cars These A-List Celebs Are Not Embarrassed To Drive

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Quick LinksLeonardo DiCaprio LeBron James Daniel Radcliffe Justin Timberlake Justin Bieber Mark Wahlberg Ryan Gosling Clint Eastwood Tom Hanks Ewan McGregor Pope Francis Larry David Chris Pratt Mark Zuckerberg Hugh Jackman Celebrities usually have some of the nicest, most luxurious cars in the world. We're always seeing celebs getting out of different cars, or posting pics of their 10 car garages (we're looking at you Kylie Jenner and Scott Disick). Read More...


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