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15 Girly Cars These A-List Celebs Are Not Embarrassed To Drive

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Celebrities usually have some of the nicest, most luxurious cars in the world. We're always seeing celebs getting out of different cars, or posting pics of their 10 car garages (we're looking at you Kylie Jenner and Scott Disick). Where most people would need to mortgage their house to own their dream car (not including the years of their lives paying it off), most celebs buy a different car for each day of the week. A lot of celebrities have the hobby of collecting classic cars to store in their garages for sentimental value, or to increase their value. There are also celebs who like to enjoy their toys and drive them around town, like Chris Pine whose classic car collection has added up to over $1,000,000 (so far).

If you're really desperate to live like a king and try out your favorite car, don't worry because there are places out there where you can rent a stylish sports car for a day. Celebrities, however, can afford to buy and maintain a Lamborghini without going broke or worrying about crashing, so who wouldn't buy their favourite luxe car? Turns out there are some more down to earth celebrities out there who prefer the more simple style. If you're here to read about Conor McGregor's collection of luxury sports cars and other celebrity collections, sorry but you're reading the wrong list. In this list, we're here to discuss 15 of our favourite male celebrities from actors to musicians, who drive more 'unstylish' vehicles. And they are unapologetic about it.

Leonardo DiCaprio

One of the biggest stars in the world, possibly the greatest actor of all time, yes that is Leonardo DiCaprio with a Prius. Leo fans will know that when Leo isn't acting his heart out in an upcoming film, he is a very passionate activist for Earth and takes global warming very seriously. He has given many speeches about change and trying to improve the future, so it's no surprise that he owns a Prius, which are known to be more eco-friendly.

His car may not be the most appealing vehicle, but Leo's love for keeping the Earth and all its inhabitants healthy does draw us in. Leo does enjoy fast cars sometimes too, as he is also the proud owner of a Tesla Roadster, a Fisker Karma Hybrid, and is sometimes seen with other sports cars. Looking out for the Earth is top priority but everyone needs to have some fun sometimes.

LeBron James

Now this car is a very stylish, luxurious sports car, yes. The reason LeBron James and his very expensive Porsche are on our list is that the Porsche seems kind of more...girly? We love LeBron James and we are firm believers that everyone can like what they want. If Leo DiCaprio drove around in a hot pink Barbie car we would support it. We're just kind of surprised that LeBron would choose this Porsche 911 Turbo S rather than stick with one of his many other sports cars.

LeBron is quite the collector of sports cars that he buys, enjoys and sells. Throughout his career, he has had a Hummer, Ferrari, Bentley, Dodge, Rolls-Royce, Jeep, Mercedes-Benz, Range Rover and a Chevy Impala. That's a very impressive, and expensive list. We can only imagine the amount of money LeBron has spent on his cars, but we totally understand why. Those are some beautiful cars we would love to get our hands on.

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe, one of the most successful child stars of all time. He was the star of his own franchise and had his future secured at the young age of 11. Being 'Harry Potter', like anything, came with its ups and downs. We would say mainly ups, like having a bank account worth $102 million dollars. The downs are that Daniel is now pretty much only seen as Harry, so his endeavours to move into different roles in film haven't really been that successful. Once again though, we don't think we'd complain that much in his position.

It was surprising to everyone that for a man who can buy anything he wants, Daniel Radcliffe chose to purchase a Fiat Punto as his car in 2007. He bought it for himself for his 18th birthday after passing his driving test. Like Leo, Daniel is a true believer in helping the Earth and being eco-friendly, which is another reason that he liked the Fiat Punto. When he was researching before his 18th, it was rated in the top 5 most eco-friendly cars in Britain.

Justin Timberlake

We never really thought of Justin Timberlake as the rockstar type who has a flashy car, especially since he’s been a dad. Justin, who everyone knows started off in one of the most popular boy-bands of all time, NSYNC. After NSYNC ended Justin became one of the only band members to make a success of his solo career. We think it’s talent, not luck, but Justin has also become one in few musicians who has smoothly sailed the line of singer into actor. Playing critical roles in some very popular movies including ‘The Social Network’ and ’Trolls’.

During that time Justin has also settled down with actress Jessica Biel and had a son, Silas Randall Timberlake. So it’s no surprise that family man Justin has a family car, a Volkswagen Jetta. If you're interested in getting yourself this sensible car, it can be yours for around $20,000.

Justin Bieber

This one probably surprised us the most out of the whole list. Justin Bieber, famous for being a very stylish, popular guy, seen driving a smart car?! Apparently, it's true. Biebs, who changes cars like he changes clothes, purchased this matte black smart car back in 2012. Since he owns so many different luxury vehicles, including a Cadillac that looks like the Batmobile, and a Fisker Karma (from Ellen DeGeneres for this 18th birthday back in 2012) that's decked out in chrome, we had forgotten about the smart car since. We're kind of glad we pushed this phase to the back of our minds.

It was dubbed 'Swag Car' (why, Justin?) according to a custom badge on the back. It just goes to show that not even Justin Bieber, who probably has influence over all teenagers in the world, couldn't even get the smart car trend started. Maybe the world's just not ready to give up sports cars yet...and we can't blame them.

Mark Wahlberg

When you're Marky Mark, everything you do is cool. Including being a safe, sensible dad and driving a minivan. Mark Wahlberg, who launched a very successful acting career out of a...questionable rap career in the 90's. The ex Calvin Klein model has four beautiful children with his stunning wife, Rhea Durham. The couple were married in 2009 after a very long and happy relationship and have four children together, Ella, 14, Michael, 12, Brendan, 9 and Grace, 8.

Being the wholesome family man he is Mark Wahlberg decided to get a Toyota Sienna minivan, and he's very proud to drive it as he told Ellen DeGeneres in an interview. Not to be out of style, Mark customised his minivan with black wheels, tinted windows and even TV in the back for his kids. Along with a lot of bags of 'Lifesaver' mints, which has earned his van the name the 'Mintmobile' according to his Ellen interview.

Ryan Gosling

One person we thought we'd never have to put in this is Ryan Gosling. Ryan is the coolest of cool in Hollywood, and one of the most crushed on celebs ever. Being even cooler by being a naturally talented actor, Ryan has absolutely no formal acting training, meaning Ryan never attended college. He was just born to act and luckily for him, and us, it all worked out and he's one of the biggest names in Hollywood today.

It's a pretty big deal to be nominated for an Oscar when there are Juilliard trained actors out there who haven't been nominated. So it surprised us in a positive way when we learnt that Ryan also cares for the Earth, which is why he drives a Prius. Ryan is just one of many Hollywood heavyweights who has decided to turn green and get themselves a Prius, which are most popular for their great gas mileage.

Clint Eastwood

Old Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood is generally known for not only being the coolest cowboy ever but also for his more recent directorial roles. More recently to the younger generation who aren't familiar with many of Eastwood's classics, he's just known as hotty Scott Eastwood's cool dad. If you don't know who Scott is you better get Googling because he is nearly the twin image of young Clint, and that's something everyone should experience.

This is why it's a bit of a surprise that Clint, who has been known over the years for having some of the coolest cars ever, is suddenly wheeling around in a Fiat 500. When questioned on it by The Independent the 87-year-old acting veteran said 'When you're younger you like cars with a lot of flash, convertibles, that kind of thing, but when you are older you like cars with a lot of iron around them.'. That makes sense to us, even though we can't believe he's 87! Looks may fade but sophistication never does.

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks is also one of Hollywood's coolest dudes ever. We think we speak for everyone when we say we picture Tom as our fun, awesome grandpa who always has the best stories. Tom has been entertaining us with his acting genius for decades, and he's maintained his status as a perfect gentleman all the way through his career. A lot of people in Hollywood nowadays should take note.

This is why we're not surprised when Tom showed us he's even more of a good dude who cares for the environment. The Oscar-winning actor has not only owned electric cars before but invests in a company that turns hybrids into electric cars. He's the only actor on our list to own an electric car, and that car is the Scion XB. It's pretty old news since he acquired it back in 2007, but given the humble life Mr Hanks leads, we're not surprised he didn't flaunt it.

Ewan McGregor

Yep, that's Obi-Wan Kenobi and he has a thing for Volkswagen Beetles. Scottish actor Ewan McGregor's first car was a Volkswagen Beetle and he has had a love for them ever since, as he's told may talk show hosts during interviews. He went on a search a while back to see if he could find his first car and get it back. We assume the search didn't go well as Ewan's latest car was a classic 1954 Beetle, which he was seen tinkering with back in January after it broke down while he was driving

The Scottish hunk has been voted as the most successful Scottish actor of all time because of his 25-year acting span, his undoubted talent and his hit movies such as 'Trainspotting', the 'Star Wars' prequels and many more versatile roles. It's been a tough few months for the heartthrob actor after it was announced that he split up with his wife of 22 years and mother of his 4 children, Eve Mavrakis. Wherever Ewan is now, we hope he's not having any more car trouble.

Pope Francis

Now we definitely didn't expect the Pope to be riding around in a Lamborghini (even though it would be awesome if he did), but what happened to the fancy Popemobile that everyone loves? These days it looks like Pope Francis is switching it up and riding around in a Kia Soul. We guess it's safer for the Pope to switch cars, as he likes to ride in style sometimes as he's also been seen in a Mercedes. Not far a leap to a Lamborghini it seems.

Pope Francis was elected as Pope of the Catholic Church in 2013. Coming up to his fifth year of being in charge, the 81-year-old shows no signs of slowing down in his duties as he's still regularly seen going around Vatican city, waving to his fans and beloved followers. The Pope may not be a famous actor or musician but his popularity status still lands him on this list of celebs.

Larry David

As we mentioned earlier in this list, the rate of celebrities swapping their cars for a Prius just keeps climbing. Comedian Larry David is no exception. The American funny man who co-created and wrote for 'Seinfeld' is a longtime owner of Prius'. Larry has been working in the entertainment industry since 1980, first starting his stand up career while supporting himself with odd jobs.

He landed his first career driving job as a writer and the cast of 'Friday's'. After that he made it further, joining the 'Saturday Night Live' writers. He then met two of the members of what would be Seinfeld, before teaming up with comedian Jerry Seinfeld and creating what has become one of the most loved shows ever. He now has two Emmy's and his own successful comedy show 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'.  In his private life, he is a very happy Prius owner, even though he can afford just about any car he wants.

Chris Pratt

Like Ewan McGregor who is also in this list, actor Chris Pratt is also a lover of the Volkswagen Beetle. Chris is not only one of the four Chrises (Pine, Evans, Pratt and Hemsworth), but he started his career off in a not-so-usual way. After graduating high school and dropping out of college, Pratt ended up homeless in Maui and basically lived off the land, while doing odd work sporadically. During one of these times when he worked as a waiter at a restaurant in Maui, he was discovered by actress and director Rae Dawn Chong who gave him a role, and the rest is history.

Apart from having a beautiful son with now ex and actress Anna Faris, Chris also had another love he was working on - his 1965 Volkswagen Beetle. In an Instagram post, Chris told his fans about how he had spent 12 years and a lot of cash restoring the 1965 classic that he won in a poker game! Seriously, can Chris get any cooler?!

Mark Zuckerberg

This one, on the other hand, doesn't really surprise us. We never felt like Facebook creator (depending on who you ask) was the type for flashy sports cars. Mark Zuckerberg owning an Acura TSX is kind of what we expect. Mark Zuckerberg became known after he created one of the most popular social media platforms of all time while in college, Facebook. The Winklevoss twins who also attended Harvard, claim to have had the idea first. The 2010 biopic 'The Social Network' starring Jesse Eisenberg as Mark and Armie Hammer as both Winklevoss twins tells the story.

The billionaire could have any pick of car or any other moving vehicle, and probably even a country, chooses to drive a modest Acura TSX which are worth around $30,000. The CEO spends most of his time with his family now, which includes his paediatrician wife Priscilla Chan and their two adorable children, eldest daughter Maxima and youngest daughter August.

Hugh Jackman

We would love to see Ewan McGregor, Chris Pratt and Hugh Jackman sit around with a beer and talk about their cars. More specifically, their love for Volkswagen/Beetles. Like the other two superstar actors on our list, Hugh Jackman is also a lover of Volkswagen and not only owns a Beetle but also owns a Bus. A little unexpected for Wolverine, who we picture flying down the highway in a Ferrari or something, but who are we to judge?

The Australian heartthrob is a very down to Earth, simple guy with simple tastes, and we just love him more because of it. The very sought after actor has been married to long-term wife Deborra-Lee Furness since before he made at big. He's probably one of the only men in Hollywood to stay faithful and we think they're one of the cutest couples ever, along with their two beautiful children, Ava and Oscar.
